Endometriosis in women most often occurs in the pelvic region, but there have also been cases reported of it occurring in other body areas.  Endometriosis can occur in any part of the body and the symptoms will mimic similarities which occur in the pelvic region.  When endometriosis travels to other areas of the body, it can cause severe pain during the menstrual cycle which is something that cannot be ignored.

Diaphragmatic endometriosis symptoms include a gradual onset of the disease.  Pain can begin in the shoulder(s) and increase with the menstrual cycle.  The pain women describe is often located deep within the shoulder and radiates from the chest.  Pain also spreads down the arms and into the neck which some women or physicians can attribute to exercise or vigorous activity.

Treatment for diaphragmatic endometriosis includes laparoscopic diagnosis and possible surgery or medications.  If the disease has spread to other vital organs it could cause further complications and negative consequences, which can include infertility.  Sometimes when endometriosis has spread to the diaphragm a surgeon will need to remove a portion or repair it laparoscopically.
Researchers have learned several things about diaphragmatic endometriosis symptoms which includes the following:
  • It is important to use the laparoscope on both sides of the diaphragm to diagnose the disease properly.
  • If a small lesion is witnessed, it could signal a larger tumor which could be obstructed behind other organs; proper diagnosis may require a surgeon inserting a laparoscope higher into the abdomen to make a definitive assessment.
  • While a laparoscope is not adequate for treating diaphragmatic endometriosis, a laparotomy is needed.
Symptoms of diaphragmatic endometriosis can result in a woman enduring severe pain in the shoulders, chest and other organs, as well as experiencing severe sleep difficulties.  It is because of where the endometrial tissue is located; sleeping in certain positions can cause pain and agony and disrupt rest.  It is important that a woman never ignores the symptoms of diaphragmatic endometriosis; it requires medical attention in order to avoid worsening of the disease.  With the right treatment, diaphragmatic endometriosis is a disease which can be managed and does not have to affect the quality of life a woman has.