Sunday, May 6, 2012

Caffeine and its Link to Endometriosis

Caffeine and its Link to Endometriosis

Much of the research surrounding endometriosis concludes that estrogen is the primary hormone that makes endometrial cells grow and reproduce. Women who suffer from endometriosis normally show estrogen dominance, much of it caused by environmental factors.

One of these environmental factors is caffeine, which when consumed increases the estrogen level in women.

  In clinical studies women who drank one cup of coffee were shown to have higher estrogen levels than women who did not. As the consumption of caffeine increased for each woman so did their estrogen levels. In one study women who drank over 500 mg of caffeine, or four to five cups of coffee, had an increase in estrogen in their bodies of almost 70%.

  Women produce three different types of estrogen: estrone, estradiol, and estriol. Of the three caffeine increases estriodol the most and of the three estriodal is the most dangerous for women as it is a known carcinogen.

  Caffeine also produces undesirable affects on several of the body’s organ systems. The liver is responsible for detoxifying and removing excess estrogen from the body. Caffeine has not only been shown to increase estrogen but it also interferes with the livers ability to remove this excess estrogen. By removing caffeine from the diet estrogen creation is reduced and any excess can more easily be removed by the liver, thus lowering the overall estrogen supply in the body.

  Progesterone is the hormone that the body uses to naturally counter act the affects of estrogen. Progesterone is created from pregnenolone which is produced in the adrenal glands. Caffeine, particularly in large continued doses, can lead to adrenal gland exhaustion. Not only will this lead to a reduction in the production of progesterone, leading to estrogen dominance, but it will also affect the production of over 50 hormones created by the adrenal glands.

  When the adrenal glands become exhausted and the liver cannot effectively remove the excess estrogen an estrogen dominance begins to build in the female body. This excess estrogen not only exacerbates the endometriosis but it also leads to many of the symptoms associated with the disease such as, fatigue, bloating, depression, and back and neck pain.

  Women who suffer from endometriosis should avoid caffeine consumption from coffee, tea, sodas and energy drinks. Caffeine not only can make the condition worse but also affects many of the organs the body needs to mitigate the symptoms caused by endometriosis.


  1. Hello, Endometriosis Angel! I' m a Brazilian journalist and spent more than 18 years suffering from endo to be diagnosed with the disease. When I discovered the disease was already deep dyspareunia. Because of the treatment, I had to stop working, I went into deep depression and went to the bottom. To try to rebuild myself and also help the women of my country, which has the largest number of women patients, I created the blog A Endometriose e Eu (The Endometriosis and I) hit around the globe. In addition to talking about my treatment, open space for other women tell their stories. In March 2011, he was quoted in the novel Insensato Coração, Rede Globo, the largest broadcaster in the country and seen around the globe, women everywhere began to contact and aseguí it. We are together in this fight! Kisses with love!

  2. I added you to the list of resources <3
